Monday, October 26, 2020

Why Mitch will be a no-show tonight

I'll be at the debate tonight, answering voters' questions. Mitch will be 500 miles away, doing something to help himself.
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With just a week to go in this election, and with our race tightening in the home stretch, Mitch McConnell should absolutely be facing the voters of Kentucky in tonight's debate.

But he's going to be a no-show.

Instead, he'll be 500 miles away in Washington, D.C., where he won't be working hard to pass desperately needed COVID-19 relief to get us out of a crisis that keeps getting worse. Nope, he'll be presiding over the rushed confirmation of a Supreme Court justice—and breaking his own rule to do it.

If Mitch thinks ducking this debate allows him to escape accountability, he's got another thing coming. Tonight, I'll be there to answer the questions on voters' minds. But back at campaign headquarters, my team will be turning up the heat.

Across Kentucky, we're launching our closing message—to tell voters who I am and where I stand, and to hit Mitch harder than ever before. Chip in $19 or more right now and help put this message everywhere in the final days of this election.

The momentum is ours. We just need to make the most of it.

Thank you—I couldn't do any of this without you.


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