Wednesday, February 9, 2022

Sign On: The Supreme Court must uphold the federal court order to create a second Black-majority House district in Alabama


Dirt Road PAC

The Voting Rights Act is crystal clear, Jason:

The state of Alabama must create a second Black-majority U.S. House district after a panel of three federal judges threw out the Republican map.

But despite the successful lawsuit from a coalition of groups including the ACLU and NAACP to redraw district lines, the Alabama attorney general appealed the decision to the U.S. Supreme Court — and the Court's conservative majority just issued a 5-4 stay allowing Republicans' voter suppression map to go unchecked in 2022.

Alabama's Republican state lawmakers are desperate not to lose one of their congressional seats to a Democrat — and they're going so far as suppressing the Black vote and attempting to strike down another section of the already weakened VRA.

Black Alabamians make up 27% of Alabama's population but they're only fairly represented in one of seven congressional districts — about half of the representation they should have under the VRA.

We shouldn't have to say this but it's important that we do: Black voters deserve full representation — period.

Our struggle today is part of the same struggle Black Americans have carried on for decades to ensure equal rights at the ballot box. Now it's our turn. We have to make our voices heard and tell the Supreme Court in no uncertain terms — we demand equal representation, in Alabama and across the country.

Sign our petition protesting the Supreme Court's decision. Black Alabamians are constitutionally guaranteed equal representation with two Black-majority districts.


In the words of Desmond Tutu, "If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor."

Thank you for making your voice heard on this important issue.

— Dirt Road PAC HQ


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