Monday, July 1, 2024

Where are all the New Jersey Biden Supporters?

Jason – We reached out last night, but we're giving you one more chance.

We're just [1] Biden Supporter away from reaching our membership renewal goal in New Jersey!

We can't BELIEVE we fell short in New Jersey last night, so we're calling on you again to renew your membership, Jason.

600%-MATCH: Renew your Biden Supporter Membership now!

As a special offer, we're even extending our rare 600%‑MATCH for the next 3 hours, so rush your donation to renew now! >>

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your contribution will go through immediately:

(600%-MATCH) Express donate: $5 >>
(600%-MATCH) Express donate: $25 >>
(600%-MATCH) Express donate: $50 >>
(600%-MATCH) Express donate: $100 >>
(600%-MATCH) Express donate: $250 >>
(600%-MATCH) Donate any amount >>

Your Biden Supporter Membership – along with the support of thousands more Democrats – will help fund our mobilization efforts in the most important battleground states this year.

And this is a critical time to show your support, Jason – President Biden is picking up speed in the latest polls, so we can SECURE the lead if we turbocharge our campaigns right now.

Please don't wait until it's too late to support Democrats. Rush a 600%‑MATCHED donation to renew your Biden Supporter Membership >>

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your contribution will go through immediately:


Thank you, Jason.

No Vote Left Behind

Thank you for being a strong supporter of protecting and expanding voting rights, Jason!

Because of incredible supporters like you, our grassroots-funded team is able to elect Democrats up-and-down the ballot in all 50 states and combat evil Republican voter suppression. If you can at this time, please make a one-time donation to No Vote Left Behind by clicking below:

Donate to No Vote Left Behind

Chip in now to elect Democrats → Make a monthly contribution to elect Democrats →

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