Saturday, March 6, 2021

Trump's Name Blocked from EVERY Building?!

50,000 signatures needed! >>>
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Rep. Joaquin Castro plans to introduce legislation that would prevent any federal buildings or property from ever being named after President Trump
Donald Trump should never become a future generation's confederate symbol. - Joaquin Castro
We need 50,000 IMMEDIATE SIGNATURES to DEMAND Trump’s name be banned from federal buildings!! Can you represent New Jersey Democrats and SIGN NOW? >>
This petition is registered to Jason Schachter. Your signature is required before 11:59PM.

Jason -- Trump is a DISGRACE to our nation and a STAIN on our history.

But Trump thinks he deserves EVERYTHING from a Nobel Prize to putting his face on Mount Rushmore.

His harmful policies, vicious tweets, and many crimes have no place being memorialized through his name.

SO NOW: Rep. Joaquin Castro is introducing a bill that would BAN any federal building or property from being named after President Donald J. Trump. YES - WE LOVE IT!!

And if we can gather enough public pressure, we can PROVE support of Rep. Castro’s bill and help pass it into law!

But that means we need your signature before midnight. Without your signature, Trump’s NAME could be placed on any federal building, feeding into the fame Trump craves.

Can you SIGN NOW? We still need [4] signatures from 07081 to meet our goal! >>


We must not make a hero out of Trump for generations to come.

Thanks for standing up,

National Democratic Training Committee

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Jason, there are 518,000 elected positions in this country. Imagine if Democrats fought for every race -- no matter how small. Imagine a world where our values of compassion and dignity for all people are upheld on every school board, on every city council, and in every state legislature.

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