Friday, October 30, 2020

Mitch’s CEO buddies are trying to buy this election

Meet the people opening up their wallets trying to re-elect Mitch.
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Jason, some big news just dropped in this race:

Mitch won.

Not the election, of course—Mitch has been declared the winner of Senate candidates who receive the most money from S&P 500 CEOs—and he's the leader by far (his CEO haul adds up to over a quarter-million dollars during the 2020 cycle).

Support like this lies at the heart of Mitch's corruption. Not only is it at complete odds with his ability to represent the people of Kentucky—it's the polar opposite of the grassroots campaign we've built.

That makes it all the more urgent to make sure we hit our budget target before we close the books tonight. With the race tightening, we simply can't afford to scale back any of our programs in the final days of this election.

Chip in $19 or more now to fight back against Mitch's CEO army—and to help make sure Mitch loses his job next Tuesday.

We're not surprised to see who's rushing to Mitch's aid. His entire 36-year climb to power has been with the help of powerful corporations and special interests—all while he abandons the people he was elected to represent. We saw that play out last week in his rush to confirm a Supreme Court nominee while stiff-arming every attempt to pass critical COVID-19 relief.

These folks at the top have been intentional about their support: They know that when they need a back scratch or even a bigger favor, they can go straight to Mitch.

Here's the good news: We've built a campaign capable of going toe to toe with these powerful special interests. And we've built this campaign the right way—one person, one donation at a time. Over 1 million people have raised their hand to support this campaign—and not a single one of them has ever sent Amy draft legislation along with their contribution.

Amy doesn't have a contact list full of CEO friends to open their wallets—instead, she has you. Chip in now and let's show Mitch that corporations and billionaires can't buy this Senate seat—it belongs to the people of Kentucky.

Fired up,
McGrath HQ

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