Friday, June 28, 2024

[UPDATE] Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito are PANICKING

NBC NEWS: "Democrats introduce bill to expand Supreme Court from 9 to 13 justices"

Passing the Judiciary Act will allow Democrats to RESTORE Roe v. Wade and reverse Trump's damage! Rush a 600%‑MATCHED donation RIGHT NOW to help elect Democrats who will pass the Judiciary Act >>

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FIRST: Donald Trump appointed THREE far‑right Justices, destroying Roe v. Wade and blocking President Biden's plan for student debt relief.

THEN: Justices like Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito continued to commit MASSIVE ethics violations by accepting gifts from billionaires – they're totally corrupt!

Forbes: Clarence Thomas Has Received An 'Unprecedented' Number Of Gifts From Wealthy Friends

SO NOW: Top Democrats like Ed Markey are fighting to pass the Judiciary Act, which would allow FOUR more liberal Justices onto the Supreme Court!

Ed Markey: Adding four seats to the Supreme Court is how we restore justice, balance, and legitimacy to it.

But we can't do this without you, Jason! Chip in now while donations are 600%‑MATCHED to help elect Democrats who will EXPAND the Supreme Court ↙↙↙

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your contribution will go through immediately:

(600%-MATCH) EXPRESS DONATE: $100 >>
(600%-MATCH) EXPRESS DONATE: $250 >>

We cannot afford to fail.

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