Saturday, July 6, 2024

Trump's Justices IMPEACHED from the Supreme Court?!

BREAKING: "Trump Says Supreme Court Should Bail Him Out of Criminal Conviction"

Donald Trump and his far-right Justices

Jason, Trump is pressuring Brett Kavanaugh and his unqualified Justices to help him ESCAPE a prison sentence and win back the White House.

If you agree that Donald Trump's Supreme Court Justices should be IMPEACHED, sign now >>


During his one‑term presidency, Donald Trump confirmed THREE far‑right justices to the Supreme Court.

That's more than any other president since Ronald Reagan.

And now, Trump is a CONVICTED FELON – but his Justices will stay on the Supreme Court for decades to continue pushing his extremist agenda.

Donald Trump and his far-right Justices

If we don't end Trump's Supreme Court majority right now, they could WIPE AWAY his felony convictions!!!

So we need supporters like you to ACT, Jason. Add your name now to IMPEACH Trump's Justices >>


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