Wednesday, September 18, 2024

STOP THEM: Republicans want public schools to display the 10 Commandments

Our public schools should be welcoming for students of all faiths.
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Democratic Values


Extremist Republican government officials in states across the country, particularly Texas, Oklahoma, Mississippi, South Carolina, and Utah are threatening our First Amendment rights and the separation of church and state.

We can't allow this to continue. Sign on now to stand for the protection of separation of church and state in our public schools. >>


Just a few weeks ago, Louisiana passed a law that will require public schools to display posters of the Ten Commandments. The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) and other groups have sued in hopes of overturning this law, citing the First Amendment.

In Oklahoma, the state superintendent declared the Bible a required "instructional support" for the 5th through 12th grade public school curriculum, adding that "Immediate and strict compliance is expected." Many Oklahoma school districts have refused to comply, citing legal precedent and the separation of church and state.

Florida's governor Ron DeSantis has championed a new state law allowing religious chaplains in public schools. He's said that some "soulcraft" could "make all the difference in the world" in the lives of Florida's students. No school districts have implemented chaplaincy programs, citing concerns around religious freedom lawsuits.

The First Amendment is crystal clear: "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion." In 1797, the Treaty of Tripoli stated "the United States of America is not in any sense founded on the Christian religion."

Our public schools should be — and remain — a welcoming environment for students of all faiths and belief systems.

Sign on now: say NO to 10 Commandments displays in public schools. Take action to protect the separation of church and state.


Thank you,

Democratic Values

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