Friday, June 24, 2022

A radical, far-right Supreme Court just overturned Roe v. Wade — but the fight to protect abortion rights isn’t over.


Dirt Road PAC

It's official, Jason. The conservative U.S. Supreme Court just overturned Roe v. Wade, ending the constitutional right to abortion.

This is a dark moment in our country's history — the first time that fundamental freedoms have been revoked. We are outraged and sickened at the undeniable truth that men in this country can do what they want with their bodies, and women cannot.

Now, more than ever, we need your help to continue the fight to protect abortion rights in our country, Jason. Moments like this is exactly why Dirt Road PAC was created — to bring hope back to politics — and on a day like today that can seem like an impossible mountain to climb.

But nothing worth fighting for is ever easy. Today we're strengthening our resolve and doubling down on our work to fight for women's health and autonomy by electing Democrats to office at all levels of government come this November and beyond. If you're with us, rush a donation of any amount you can afford to Dirt Road PAC right now.


We knew this decision was coming for weeks, but that doesn't undermine how deeply disturbing it is that this is now our reality.

But we simply cannot let the extremists win. If we work together, as we have during so many dark moments these past few years, we CAN and WILL elect leaders who will listen and act to protect our rights.

Thank you for helping us meet this moment and continue to fight for abortion rights by electing Democrats to all levels of government this November.

— Clay and the team at Dirt Road PAC


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