Wednesday, September 30, 2020

I need to level with you

I don't have any friends who can write a 7-figure check, but I don't need any because I have you.
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Jason, I wanted to send one last note before tonight's FEC deadline, because I need to level with you:

The next five weeks are going to be really, really tough.

We all know the deck is already stacked against anyone who dares to run against Mitch McConnell. Now, thanks to outside groups coming to his rescue, we could be flooded by ads from Mitch's special interests in the final weeks of this campaign.

The other side is scrambling because Mitch McConnell is in the fight of his political life—and that's because of this grassroots team.

Jason, they're still underestimating us. If they think a flood of dark money will put this race away, they're dead wrong. I don't have any friends who can write a 7-figure check, and I don't need any. Our underdog team can go toe-to-toe with anyone.

Tonight's quarterly FEC deadline is the last one we get, and it's our chance to level the playing field the way we've always done it—one donation at a time.

So I need to ask you directly: If you want to make 2020 Mitch's final year in the Senate, please chip in what you can before our midnight deadline.

It's no fun to have your name dragged through the mud, but you should know that your support is a constant reminder that I'm not alone in this fight.

For that and for everything you do, thank you.


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