Friday, September 25, 2020

My friend Josh’s new ad

The difference in KY-06 couldn't be clearer.
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Jason, as we work to defeat Mitch McConnell this November, I'm also looking forward to seeing my friend and fellow veteran, Josh Hicks, prevail in Kentucky's 6th District—over one of Mitch's former interns no less.

Josh has pulled to a statistical tie with his opponent, and he just released a fantastic new ad about why we need to elect leaders who put people before Wall Street and wealthy corporations—a sentiment we both share.

Watch Josh's new ad, then chip in to help him keep it on the air so he can win in KY-06—strong turnout in Josh's district means a strong showing for our campaign, as well.

It's important for Josh to have the resources to get strong messages like this up on the air—because you can bet the other side has special interests lined up to attack him. You've seen it in our race, too, because that's the McConnell playbook through and through.

We need fighters like Josh in Washington—who'll be voices for Main Street, for the regular folks trying to get through this pandemic, the folks whose livelihoods are at stake. But beating Mitch's machine to send him to Congress will take help from people like us.

Chip in to support Josh today and let's turn the page for Kentucky.

Thank you,


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