Saturday, September 26, 2020

Mitch is destroying our democracy before our very eyes

Mitch has to be stopped. Help it happen.
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Jason, in just a few hours, President Trump will officially nominate a third Supreme Court justice.

But Mitch McConnell's plan to jam this nomination through has been in motion for a week. He went into overdrive not even two hours after Justice Ginsburg's death to start lining up the votes for the nominee before the election. He made it clear from the start that everything he said four years ago simply doesn't matter anymore—what he'd described as an unbreakable rule of our democracy can be broken the minute doing so helps his political career.

This is who Mitch McConnell is, and it's why I'm running to beat him.

It makes me angry that Mitch shows such urgency to grow his own power, but won't lift a finger to help Americans struggling during a pandemic. I'm furious that, because of this Supreme Court pick, he's going to get another shot at ending the Affordable Care Act and throwing half a million Kentuckians off of their insurance.

And I'm very worried about what it means for America that we can't trust a thing our Senate majority leader says in public.

There's no sugarcoating it: Mitch is destroying our democracy before our very eyes. He must be defeated in November, and I need all the help I can get to make it happen. Chip in before our final quarterly FEC deadline, and let's fight for our democracy with everything we've got.

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