Saturday, August 3, 2024

100,000+ NEW VOTERS (historic election news)

Over 100,000 new voters registered to vote after President Biden endorsed Kamala Harris for 2024!

Kamala Harris

Jason, will you vote for Kamala Harris this fall?

Yes, I will vote for Kamala Harris! >>
No, I will vote for Donald Trump >>

Undecided/Prefer Not to Say >>

Kamala Harris's presidential campaign is SO EXCITING – thousands of new voters are ready to cast their ballots for her this fall!

BUT BUT BUT: Trump's Republicans are already fighting to suppress the vote to BLOCK this historic wave of Democrats.

Donald Trump, Mitch McConnell, and Mike Johnson

So we urgently need to verify that supporters like you are still standing with Kamala Harris and Democrats in the fight against Trump this fall.

Jason, please respond immediately >>

Will you vote for Kamala Harris this fall?

Yes, I will vote for Kamala Harris! >>
No, I will vote for Donald Trump >>

Undecided/Prefer Not to Say >>

We need to hear from you now.

No Vote Left Behind

Thank you for being a strong supporter of protecting and expanding voting rights, Jason!

Because of incredible supporters like you, our grassroots-funded team is able to elect Democrats up-and-down the ballot in all 50 states and combat evil Republican voter suppression. If you can at this time, please make a one-time donation to No Vote Left Behind by clicking below:

Donate to No Vote Left Behind

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