Sunday, August 4, 2024

P. Buttigieg, H. Clinton, R. Reich (2024 Election Warning)

🇺🇸 Top Democrats are commanding us to ABOLISH the Electoral College ↙↙↙

Pete Buttigieg, Hillary Clinton, and Robert Reich

"It's time for [the Electoral College] to go because it's undemocratic." - Pete Buttigieg

"We should abolish the Electoral College and select our President by the winner of the popular vote." - Hillary Clinton

"I think the person who earns the most votes should be elected president." - Robert Reich

Trump will be SO PISSED if we end the Electoral College – rush a donation now to help elect Democrats who will get this done!!! >>

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In 2016, nearly 3 MILLION more Americans voted for Hillary Clinton over Donald Trump.

But Trump waltzed into the White House thanks to the outdated Electoral College system.

And this year, Trump is counting on the Electoral College to hand him an unearned victory once again:

Donald Trump: I used to like the idea of the Popular Vote, but now realize the Electoral College is far better for the USA

That's why Pete Buttigieg, Hillary Clinton, and EVERY top Democrat are calling on us to end the Electoral College NOW! Will you rush $24 or more to help elect Democrats who will get this done? >>

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your contribution will go through immediately:

Express Donate: $24 >>
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Donate Any Amount >>

Everything is on the line.

No Vote Left Behind

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