Friday, June 11, 2021

BREAKING: Republicans declare WAR on Social Security

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BREAKING >> McConnell plans to filibuster EVERY ITEM on Biden's Agenda... Including saving Social Security!

Jason -- This is an EMERGENCY! You've been selected to take this survey to help President Biden save Social Security from Republicans. Please respond ASAP:


NAME: Jason Schachter
DUE: 06.11.2021
This is a survey registered to only, for the purpose of supporting Democratic Social Security expansions. Data will NOT be shared with outside parties. Begin the survey now >>

Jason --

Republicans are on a mission to slash Social Security...

They tried to slash it by $25 BILLION under Trump!

Social Security is a vital program for senior citizens who rely on it -- but McConnell and his GOP cronies DO NOT CARE. They only care about more tax cuts for the rich!

That's why we've specially crafted this survey for top Democrats. Your response will help us create a plan to SAVE Social Security!

You have been specially selected to represent 07081 Democrats from New Jersey. Please take [2] minutes to complete the survey -- since you were selected, your response is crucial! >>


Thanks for participating,

Democratic Strategy Institute

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Who are we? The Democratic Strategy Institute is a new project of the National Democratic Training Committee, the largest free Democratic training organization in the country. We’re a grassroots-funded organization working non-stop to elect a WAVE of Progressives nationwide.

Our experts are training an army of Democratic candidates and political staff to run revolutionary grassroots campaigns to defeat Republicans.

We’re dedicated to gathering, analyzing, and sharing the best practices, strategies, and cutting edge tactics used by Democratic campaigns across the country. And we need grassroots donations to fund our work!
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