Friday, June 11, 2021

VICTORY for President Biden (re: John Lewis Voting Rights Act)

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Republicans WAGED WAR on voting rights to steal back Congress.

President Biden COMMANDED Congress to pass the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act to STOP the Republican assault on voting rights.

'Congress should pass… the John Lewis Voting Rights Act and send it to my desk right away.' - President Biden

The John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act has STUNNING momentum.
If we get 500 New Jersey donations before 11:59PM, Democrats could pass it into LAW.

Donate before midnight to pass the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act! >>


Jason -- Republicans have an evil plan to steal back Congress in 2022.

Republicans are working to rig every election from 2022 onwards - Independent

They're using racist voter suppression laws to rig the election!!!

We refuse to roll over and let the GOP wreak havoc on our democracy and steal President Biden's majorities.

So we're going all-in to pass the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act!

Jason -- With 500 New Jersey donations by midnight, this bill will be UNSTOPPABLE. Chip in $5 now! >>

DONATE $100 NOW >>
DONATE $250 NOW >>
Or donate another amount >>

Make President Biden proud!

- Democratic Strategy Institute

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Who are we? The Democratic Strategy Institute is a new project of the National Democratic Training Committee, the largest free Democratic training organization in the country. We’re a grassroots-funded organization working non-stop to elect a WAVE of Progressives nationwide.

Our experts are training an army of Democratic candidates and political staff to run revolutionary grassroots campaigns to defeat Republicans.

We’re dedicated to gathering, analyzing, and sharing the best practices, strategies, and cutting edge tactics used by Democratic campaigns across the country. And we need grassroots donations to fund our work!
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The future of the Democratic party depends on building a massive bench of Progressive candidates and staff. That’s why we train and connect candidates, campaign staff, and local leaders. If we can train enough candidates and campaign staff nationwide, we’ll have what it takes to save our Democratic Majority and defeat Republicans  everywhere.

But our work costs a lot of money. We depend on donations from proud grassroots Democrats like you. Can you chip in?
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Thank you for doing your part to elect a wave of Progressives and defeat Republicans!
Paid for by the Democratic Strategy Institute,, and not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.

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