Thursday, January 20, 2022

Can you spare a minute?


Dirt Road PAC


It's been one year since President Biden and Vice President Harris took office, a milestone for us to reflect on what we've accomplished this past year and to reassert our efforts in the struggle for progress.

As Senators in Washington debate the filibuster and voting rights, we're gearing up for a historic midterm effort no matter the legislative outcome. Whatever the obstacles, we must organize and get out the vote truly like never before.

Now that we're officially in an election year, we're going to be incredibly busy with voter registration efforts, providing grants to grassroots organizations, and supporting candidates that see, hear, and value people who feel forgotten.

That means competing in hard-to-win places and building real power by showing up, not just in an election year but in the years that follow.

We're looking forward to collaborating with some incredible grassroots organizations to help build our Democratic majorities in Washington and change representation at the state and local level as well, but your input is essential for our mission to succeed.

Can you spare a minute (or two!) and take our 2022 priorities survey? Your input is incredibly meaningful and helpful to our work.


Thank you for taking the time. It means so much to us.

— Dirt Road PAC HQ


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