Wednesday, January 12, 2022

The Senate must reform the filibuster


Dirt Road PAC

Jason — Voting rights are under attack.

That's why at Dirt Road PAC, founded by Jaime Harrison, we're going full-tilt against Republicans' Big Lie and their push to eradicate voting rights as we know it. President Biden gave a major speech on voting rights yesterday, and as the Senate deliberates changing filibuster rules, our message to them is this: Be on the right side of history.

Add your name to our petition calling on Senate Democrats to reform filibuster rules and allow voting rights legislation like the Freedom to Vote Act to pass with a simple majority.


In 2021, at least 19 states with Republican-controlled state legislatures passed 34 laws restricting voting rights. These laws are a wishlist of right-wing media talking points to turn elections in their favor: shortening the window to apply for a mail-in ballot, limiting voters' ability to get assistance with returning their mail-in ballot, prohibiting unsolicited mail ballot applications, and tightening identification requirements including requiring proof of citizenship.

Dirt Road PAC will be on the ride side of history, and now is the time to take action before this new era of Jim Crow voting laws takes hold. Senate Democrats must act and change the Senate rules for the filibuster and allow federal voting rights legislation to pass with a simple majority.

Mitch McConnell changed the filibuster rules to confirm Donald Trump's Supreme Court justice nominations. Now, it's up to Democrats to make the same change to pass comprehensive voting rights protections and ensure every American's voice is heard in our safe and free elections.

Add your name to our petition urging the Senate Democrats to change the filibuster rules to pass voting rights protections with a simple majority.


Changing the filibuster rule on voting rights would do no more and no less than what Mitch McConnell did by allowing Republicans to confirm 3 right-wing Supreme Court justices. It's what's necessary to protect our democracy — and the time for action is now.

Thanks for being on the right side of history with us.

— Dirt Road PAC HQ


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