Thursday, July 4, 2024

Hi Jason

Just wanted to say hello.
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Democratic Values is dedicated to supporting candidates who stand strong on their Democratic principles and stand up to the MAGA far-right extremists tearing apart our country. If you really want to receive only our most urgent emails, click here. If you'd like to stop receiving these messages, you may unsubscribe.

Democratic Values

Josh and his family

Hi Jason,

My name is Josh Harder - I'm a husband, a new dad, and the democratic Congressman from California's 9th district, one of the most competitive races in the country. ☝️That's me with my wife Pam and our daughter Lillian - we also recently welcomed our baby girl Karina to the family!

I want to reach out to introduce myself today and tell you a bit about why my race in California is a must win if we're going to take back the House from MAGA extremists and hold the line against Donald Trump.

If you can split a donation between me and Democratic Values to help us win this competitive 2024 race, I'll leave a link here.

Here's why you should care:

  1. I represent a seat in California's Central Valley which has been named one of the most competitive in the country. Democrats recently added me to their frontline list of most vulnerable members because we desperately need more resources to keep this seat blue.
  2. I'm one of Donald Trump and Mike Johnson's top targets this year. They've announced $2 million in TV reservations in our media market, and GOP SuperPACs are already spreading disinformation to our latino communities.
  3. My opponent this year has been called the GOP's "Dream Candidate" to run against me. He's the Mayor of Stockton, the biggest city in the district, and he's on the record saying he'll vote against women's reproductive rights.
  4. A terrifying new poll shows us down by 4 points. If that's the case, there is no way Democrats will take back the Speaker's gavel. We have to make sure these aren't the results we see on Election Day.
  5. The end-of-quarter deadline is coming up and we need your help to have a strong showing. We can't afford to be outraised by our Republican opponent, who is getting a huge boost from Trump's guilty verdict.

That's why I'm reaching out today to ask for your support. I don't take corporate PAC money, so I really need your help. Will you please split a donation between me and Democratic Values so we have the resources to win CA-9?

If you've saved payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation split between Josh Harder and Democratic Values will go through immediately:

DONATE $10 »
DONATE $25 »
DONATE $50 »
DONATE $75 »

- Josh

Paid for by Democratic Values PAC

Democratic Values PAC
PO Box 15320
Washington, DC 20003
United States

If you wish to donate by check, please make a check payable to "Democratic Values PAC" and mail it to PO BOX 15320 WASHINGTON, DC 20003

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